bio-UV-AR lens


"bio-UV-AR lens" is a new addition to the lens lineup for apollo bio-metal masks.
The "bio-UV-AR lens" has dual functions , UV cut and Anti-Reflection, to pursue a color faithful to nature and safety for the human eye. The UV function blocks out ultraviolet light that is harmful to the eyes while allowing all visible light that humans perceive as light to pass through. The AR function minimizes the light reflections occur on the lens surfaces.

The "bio-UV-AR lens" is recommended for various professional diving where faithful natural views are required, such as photo or video shooting, underwater construction and cave diving and etc.
The "bio-UV-AR lens" is also recommended for various special diving missions where stealth feature is mandatory requirement on the mask, because its AR function minimize visible light reflections of ambient lights.

The "bio-UV/AR lens" is already available now as one of choices for bio-metal mask Titanium, and will soon be adopted as standard lens to all bio-bio metal mask pro. One pair of "bio-UV-AR lens" will also be available as an optional lens product and it will succeed the current "bio-AR lens".

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